Michael Flynn Will Invoke His Fifth Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination In the Senate’s Russia Probe

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Of all the Trump associates in trouble with the law, nobody is in deeper than Michael Flynn. Flynn quit as National Security Adviser just 24 days into the job amid growing questions about his ties to Russia and rising accusations that he was hired despite repeated warnings from government officials such as Sally Yates, who advised that he was potentially compromised by the Russians. And now that story has taken yet another twist, as Flynn has more or less admitted that there is, indeed, something to the allegations after all.

According to the Associated Press, Flynn, who has declined to comply with a subpoena from the Senate for documents and data related to his lobbying activities and Russia connections, will be invoking his right against self-incrimination as a reason for not complying with the subpoena. Flynn appears to be hoping that he can gain immunity from the Senate, something he’s requested before, in exchange for what he knows.

It’s worth noting that this trail may stop at Flynn himself, whose biggest seeming crime so far has nothing to do with Russia or the Trump campaign, but rather a questionable decision he made as a Trump appointee while allegedly in the employ of the Turkish government. But regardless of what will incriminate Flynn, it’s still a black mark that the Trump administration can ill afford. And yes, before you ask, once again, there is a tweet from a Trump associate for every embarrassment the administration suffers:

(via AP News)