On Monday, the Washington Post entertainingly exposed a right-wing sting operation — Project Veritas, founded by James O’Keefe — which was trying to trick the publication into running a made-up story about Roy Moore. The “tipster,” who told a wildly inconsistent sham of a tale about Moore impregnating her as a teenager and pressuring her for an abortion, was busted by the Post while walking into the Project Veritas offices. The entire endeavor was meant to embarrass the media, and there are multiple updates on the mess, but first, Netflix has possibly punked O’Keefe better than any other reaction thus far.
The streaming service stepped up with a tweet recommending that folks who “want more information on the power of due diligence when reporting a major news story” might want to check out Spotlight, which is instantly available.
If you want more information on the power of due diligence when reporting a major news story, Spotlight is now streaming.
— Netflix (@netflix) November 28, 2017
As many are aware, Spotlight revolves around the Boston Globe‘s tireless and methodical efforts to expose the epidemic of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests. Not only that, but Marty Baron was executive editor of the Globe while that investigation was ongoing, and he’s been the Washington Post executive editor since 2012. Overall, it’s a swell dig on Netlix’s behalf.
In other Project Veritas-related news, the Post‘s own David Fahrenthold reminds everyone that the Trump Foundation once donated $10,000 to the organization — “after it pitch[ed] Trump on their work”
Way back in 2015, @Project_Veritas got a $10K. donation from @realDonaldTrump's charity, after pitching Trump on their work. pic.twitter.com/B88gRZEUus
— David Fahrenthold (@Fahrenthold) November 27, 2017
And weirdly, O’Keefe is attempting to paint the failed underground sting as a win. Project Veritas tweeted a massive “BREAKING” notice with a video clip that claims to show Washington Post National Security Correspondent Dan Lamothe and Director of Product Joey Marburger detailing the paper’s “hidden agenda.” They basically explain that the news and opinion sections run under different procedures and objectives. How shocking!
BREAKING: @washingtonpost National Security Correspondent and Director of Product speak to WaPo's hidden agenda #AmericanPravda #ProjectVeritas Full: https://t.co/nXX9wEToFN pic.twitter.com/RemgTwdwfj
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) November 27, 2017
Of course, Project Veritas also claims that there will be “more @washingtonpost videos coming soon.” Alrightly, then.
Be prepared for more @washingtonpost videos coming soon. Our #AmericanPravda series will not stop.https://t.co/PHv7HPFhkQ
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) November 28, 2017