President Obama Signs Legislation To Strike ‘Oriental’ And ‘Negro’ From Federal Code

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The vernacular of the American people constantly changes. New words are added and others, which were once common phrases are deemed pejorative and politically incorrect. On Friday, President Obama signed a a bill into law that will remove the outdated terms ‘Oriental’ and ‘Negro’ from federal codes.

This bill was spearheaded by Grace Meng, an Asian-American Congresswoman from New York. It was passed by Congress unanimously back in February and by the Senate earlier this month.

The codes, which were written in the 1970s will be updated to reflect modern language. ‘Orientals’ will be replaced by the term Asian Americans. Congresswoman Meng spoke with MSNBC after Obama passed the law on Friday.

“Many Americans may not be aware that the word ‘Oriental’ is derogatory, but it is an insulting term that needed to be removed from the books, and I am extremely pleased that my legislation to do that is now the law of the land.”

Meng is absolutely correct, some people are unaware of the negative connotations associated with the word. Last year, the Charlotte Hornets used the term ‘Oriental’ on their website describing the fans of Jeremy Lin, and in 2011 popular teen clothing chain, Forever 21 described a necklace they sold as an ‘Oriental Girl.’

(via ABC News & MSNBC)