Old Lady Who Lost Her House In Alabama Tornado Reunited With Her Missing Cat

With all of this talk about the end of the world floating around out there, you’re probably looking for something, preferably something involving cats, to warm your heart, aren’t you Internet? I knew you were — and I’ve got something for you that should do the trick!

So remember those dastardly tornadoes that decimated parts of the South, specifically northern Alabama, a few weeks ago? Well Birmingham-based CBS affiliate WIAT was doing an interview with an elderly woman who’d lost her home named Judy Pugh a couple of days ago, and during the interview Pugh lamented the fact that she’s lost her beloved cat during the April 27 hellstorms. And then, with the cameras rolling, the missing cat, which had been presumably swept up and carried off a ways by the tornado, showed up at what remains of her home. Needless to say, crying ensued.


(Via The Lookout)