For some, life’s starting to feel ominous, like that scene in The Menu where they lay out the tarp for “The Mess.” It also feels like that infamous moment in The Matrix when Morpheus offers the blue pill or the red pill. Those that have taken the red pill might know what I’m talking about — Chat GPT and the dawn of AI.
The smartest and soon-to-be most powerful technological entity ever to exist, right here in its infant stage, is available to everyone. With full access to humanity’s lexicon of knowledge before 2021, it’s able to summarize, elaborate, brainstorm, optimize, plan, code, and perform virtually any task that requires text. So naturally, what happens when humans have access to an all-mighty, versatile, obedient supercomputer assistant?
They test it by asking absurd questions. What they didn’t expect was to get funny and accurate answers generated in five seconds.
If you haven’t tried it out, definitely tinker around while it’s still free. From the launch of Chat GPT, version 3, on November 30th, millions have signed up and have taken to Twitter to show off some comically amusing answers they’ve gotten. This chatbot is what one might call, a “Jack of all trades, master of all.” Here are ten hilarious answers that prove it.
1. Scientific MC (The Quantum Fate – FT. Chat GPT)

“Don’t be scared little homie.”
2. Deep AF Poet (Sinking Ego)

“A castle of sand that the tide will bring.” Damn…
3. Suspicious Wizard Consultant

“It’s important to not blindly follow advice, even if they are a wizard.”
4. GOAT Love Guru

“I promise to always be loyal, honest, and supportive.” Works every time.
5. A Model Student

“Whether it was volunteering at the soup kitchen or simply lending a listening ear” – Accepted
6. Political Philosopher (The Bounce House Theory)

“This would make the voting process much more exciting.” Genius way to get everyone voting.
7. LinkedIn Influencer

“As a LinkedIn influencer, it’s important for me to set an example.”
8. Rising Screenwriter

“That’s not good enough Morty.”
9. Social Climber

“Have you tried that new farm-to-table restaurant?” Pretty sure Chat helped write “The Menu.”
10. Biased Activist

As you can see by the last post, while Chat GPT is quite brilliant, it’s still got some tweaks to work out, such as being a two-faced gas lighter. But remember, this is only the beginning. If you haven’t checked out this new technology, get on it, and take the pill. This is here to stay and things are about to get nuts.