Watch A Republican Pollster Get, As He Put It, ‘Killed By Bill Maher On Live Television’

Frank Luntz is likely used to being the brunt of derision via his day to day activities. He’s a pollster who can usually be seen chatting with groups of voters on Fox News — and CBS too — while also giving out an aura of an evil puppet that has been given life. That said, he’s good at what he does and he’s seemingly a pretty good sport too. His interview with Bill Maher on Friday’s Real Time was definitely the highlight of the show and left his hurting. He says so himself:

They clearly make up by the Overtime segment later in the show, with Luntz pulling out his t-shirt for the 2016 election:

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Elsewhere on the episode, Maher introduced his 25 things we didn’t know about Donald Trump in honor of the Republican National Convention this week. It follows a very real profile on Hillary Clinton and two from Maher on alleged vampire Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders. Here we find out the benefits of Trump having such small hands and what scares the prospective candidate about going to the movies.

Finally, switching gears a bit, Maher decides to take on the prospect of shutting off away from my work and how that’s disappeared for some folks. Instead of being able to have a day off or disconnect, we’re always working thanks to our smart phones. He also takes aim at places like Google, making the ability to stay at the workplace some sort of benefit. Hammocks and desk pillows are cool, but hard to beat that sweet freedom. Michael McDonald knows it.

(Via Real Time)