Scientology Hits Back At David Miscavige’s Father Following His Revealing ’20/20′ Interview

Scientology’s head honcho, David Miscavige is now firing back at his father, Ron Miscavige after a scathing and revealing interview on last night’s 20/20. Ron is currently promoting his book Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me; a book that David tried to stop from ever seeing the light of day, but it will be released next week.

In the interview, Ron talks in detail about his experience with the church including his son’s explosive temper, how power corrupted him, David’s connection with Scientology’s biggest fan, Tom Cruise, and his living conditions while at Gold Base; a Scientology compound in Hemet, California which Ron described as a work camp where conditions were extremely rough and people were watching his every move. Ron continues to claim that the Church is watching him.

How did David get back at his father? By releasing a picture of Ron wearing a homemade Nazi uniform. TMZ tweeted the photo last night.

This isn’t the first time that Church leaders are connecting racist behavior with Ron. TMZ also mentioned that Scientology bigwigs wrote letters to Ron’s publishing company about the elder Miscavige and his tendency to hurl racial slurs and his love of singing a bizarre song about a black person with a hard-on.

There’s several people in Ron’s corner though, including ex-Scientologist, Leah Remini.

Remini spoke with 20/20 back in October about her involvement in the church and her subsequent departure after questioning the whereabouts of David’s wife, Michele, who hasn’t been seen in public since 2007.