‘The Daily Show’ Introduces Viewers To The Rest Of The World’s Various Donald Trumps

We’ve been introduced to some of the other versions of Donald Trump around the globe thanks to John Oliver and some unfavorable comparisons since Trump entered the race. It isn’t like Trump helped these men and women spring into existence overnight, he just helps to power the spotlight that lends out some of the attention he’s garnered during his presidential campaign.

We’ve already learned quite a bit about Rodrigo Duterte, the Filipino Donald Trump that offered himself to all the female guests as a mass wedding and boasted about all the folks he has murdered. He makes Donald Trump seem like a saint in comparison, but he’s not the only one out there struggling for the crown. The Daily Show offers a little focus on Duterte during their opening segment Wednesday, but they also bring another face into the fold.

Geert Wilders from the Netherlands has come out to endorse Trump from across the Atlantic, for reasons that are quite obvious once you watch the clip above. His threats against Turkey sound extremely similar to Trump’s threats against almost everybody that isn’t Canada — which means they better watch their ass.

Wilders has the ridiculous hair, the mindset, and the odd way of speaking. But Trevor Noah is also quick to point out the differences, including some of the less “tough” aspects of Dutch culture. He’s also quick to slap some sense into the people threatening to move to Canada if Trump is elected. Not only does Canada likely not want you, but you never know when you might run into an even more terrible version of the guy you’re attempting to escape.

(Via The Daily Show)