President Trump — who famously declared that the U.S. would win so many wars that people would get tired of winning — has reportedly been upset that there’s not much winning happening. The alleged “two-minute man” has apparently been pestering National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster about how “the U.S. military wasn’t winning in Afghanistan,” and now, a new Page Six report says that Trump “berated” his leading military generals over the non-winning war. In doing so, he also told them an inspiring tale about how Manhattan’s 21 Club closed down for an extensive renovation that lasted a year. The problem? Trump apparently made it all up.
This revelation arrives courtesy of the restaurant’s owners after an NBC News story detailing Trump’s claims at the meeting on Afghanistan. Here’s more:
Trump told his national security advisers that ‘21’ had shut its doors for a year and hired an expensive consultant to plan the renovation. The consultant’s only suggestion was a bigger kitchen.
“The clear message if you heard the story was: High-priced consultants, or high-priced anybody, expensive, supposedly big-brained people, but who are physically far from the source of the problem, often give you much worse advice than the supposedly low-ranking guys who are right there,” an unnamed official said.
Unfortunately for Trump, the restaurant’s owner (Marshall Cogan) and CEO (Ken Aretsky) at the time of the renovations told Page Six that almost none of what Trump said was true. Aretsky claimed that no consultant ever entered the renovation project, which only took six months until completion. Aretsky stated, “I have no idea what was in his head. I never have.” Cogan had even more to say: “Once again, Trump exaggerated another story.” He also added, “I think [Trump] has a psychological problem that only a therapist can define for you.”
So. Much. Winning.