President Trump has floated the idea of a parade to show off both the might of the United States military — complete with tanks — and his own inflated ideas of who he is as Commander in Chief since before his inauguration. The idea has proven to be quite unpopular and potentially extremely expensive, with a price tag between $10 – $30 million. Despite this, the parade is indeed going forward. According to CNN, a Pentagon memo was issued on Thursday detailing the parades themes and the fact that it will be a part of the traditional annual Veterans Day.
The memo says the parade will integrate with the annual DC Veterans Day parade and focus on the contributions of US veterans from the Revolutionary War to today “with an emphasis on the price of freedom.”
The parade will “include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks,” the memo said, adding that “consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure.”
The memo also explained that there will be a “heavy air component” of available military aircraft. It will also feature the Old Guard Fife and Drum, a unit that wears period uniforms during official engagements. The parade’s route will wind from the White House to the Capitol building, and “veterans and Medal of Honor recipients will surround Trump in the reviewing area of the Capitol during the event.”
Trump told Fox News that he thinks “it’s great for our country in terms of being a cheerleader and the spirit,” but it seems like an odd choice to celebrate a man who repetedly dodged the draft alongside our nation’s veterans.
(Via CNN)