Since its publication, more and more details in the notorious Steele Dossier have been confirmed. However, the (arguably) most salacious aspect of the dossier (the pee-pee tape) so far remains unverified. However, given that U.S. intelligence believes that Russia has compromising material on Trump stemming from his 2013 trip to Russia, it’s probably only a matter of time before future history textbooks add “golden shower” to their indices.
In a wide-ranging, wild story about that world-altering trip to Russia, Mother Jones has uncovered a litany of pee-tape-adjacent material that really stokes the rumor flames. One of the most eye-brow raising sections comes around the story’s midway point where it’s revealed that Trump once rolled up to a notoriously “lewd” Las Vegas nightclub with some Russian oligarchs, including Emin Agalarov, the son of Aras Agalarov, a close associate of Vladimir Putin, who employs the publicist, Rob Goldstone (he attended the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and representatives of the Russian government).
At the club, which had plenty of Diet Coke on hand, Emin invited George Soros’ son Alex, who happened to be dating one of the women in the large group that went with Trump to the club, to come visit him in Moscow. While it’s not known what sort of “show” the group received, the club was famous for a certain style of performance:
The Act was no ordinary nightclub. Since March, it had been the target of undercover surveillance by the Nevada Gaming Control Board and investigators for the club’s landlord—the Palazzo, which was owned by GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson—after complaints about its obscene performances. The club featured seminude women performing simulated sex acts of bestiality and grotesque sadomasochism—skits that a few months later would prompt a Nevada state judge to issue an injunction barring any more of its “lewd” and “offensive” performances. Among the club’s regular acts cited by the judge was one called “Hot for Teacher,” in which naked college girls simulate urinating on a professor. In another act, two women disrobe and then “one female stands over the other female and simulates urinating while the other female catches the urine in two wine glasses.” (The Act shut down after the judge’s ruling. There is no public record of which skits were performed the night Trump was present.)
It’s probably just another one of life’s weird coincidences that a few months before the Russian government allegedly taped Donald Trump watching women urinating on each other in a Moscow hotel room, he and a Russian oligarch’s son went to a nightclub that was known for simulated golden shower routines.
(Via Mother Jones)