Vanity Fair took a good deal of flack for a video that made the rounds this week in which Hive editors took shots at Hillary Clinton by suggesting some New Year’s resolutions for the 2016 presidential candidate, which included knitting and volunteering, among others. So much so that the magazine was forced to issue an apology on Wednesday as Tomi Lahren and other conservatives applauded the razor-sharp wit. In a statement, the publication admitted that the video “missed the mark.”
Now, because he’s President of the United States and apparently has literally nothing better to do, Donald Trump has weighed in on the controversy on Twitter, of course. “Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs, is bending over backwards in apologizing for the minor hit they took at Crooked H,” the actual president wrote. “Anna Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!”
Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs, is bending over backwards in apologizing for the minor hit they took at Crooked H. Anna Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 28, 2017
For starters, it’s worth pointing out that Anna Wintour is the editor of Vogue, not Vanity Fair (although both are owned by Conde Nast), but that fact would probably be lost on the president. Aside from his need to comment on any and all matters having to do with Hillary Clinton, it’s possible that Trump took particular umbrage with the magazine over exclusives such as the sad state of affairs in both his administration and marriage to Melania. Or perhaps he hadn’t had his fill of Diet Cokes for the morning yet. We may never know.