Woody Harrelson’s Marijuana Dispensary Application Has Been Denied

Hawaii was the first state in the US to legalize medical marijuana 16 years ago, and now the islands are finally moving forward with plans to allow marijuana dispensaries on the islands. On Friday, the Hawaii Department of Health announced a very limited list of approved vendors. Not included in the list: Oscar-nominated actor Woody Harrelson, who had applied for one of the state’s eight licenses back in February.

There were several requirements to apply for the right to open marijuana dispensaries – the applicant must be a resident of Hawaii for at least five years, and have $1 million dollars in cash plus $100,000 for each dispensary location. That narrowed the number of applicants down to 65, but the odds still didn’t end up in The Hunger Games star’s favor.

Instead, the licenses will go to companies with names like Aloha Green Holdings Inc., Manoa Botanicals, TCG Retro Market 1, Maui Wellness Group and Pono Life Sciences Maui. Lest you think this is big business beating out the individual, Woody’s application was filed through his own fancy sounding company, Simple Organic Living, LLC.

The reasoning behind the Hawaii Department of Health’s choice of companies will soon become more apparent as they promise to release each applicant’s score, based on the company’s ability to comply with security requirements and meet the needs of patients.

Neither Woody Harrelson nor his representatives have made a statement since this news came out, but we assume his reaction looks something like this…

(via People)