The civil case of sexual assault against Derrick Rose continues Tuesday after testimony from both Rose and the plaintiff. Rose’s woefully underdeveloped understanding of consent aside, in the absence of forensic evidence the case is so far a “he said, she said”-type affair. That is, until one Kendra Groff takes the stand.
Groff is a massage therapist with a black belt in karate, according to the New York Post. More importantly, she is Jane Doe’s friend and was with her at the party on the night in question, just a couple of hours before Rose and his friends showed up at Doe’s house for sex.
The accuser and Rose have given contradictory accounts of Groff’s role in the evening, but so far both sides agree that Kendra was invited by Doe to the party after Rose asked for a “surprise.”
[Rose attorney Mark] Baute said in opening statements that, once at the party, Groff cornered the point guard and was “outside Rose’s bedroom in her bra and panties trying to have sex with him.”
Baute said Rose’s friend Allen kicked Groff out of the house because Rose “has too many women looking to get at him.”
Rose, however, has contradicted that claim, testifying last week, “I never saw Kendra.”
Meanwhile, Groff claims she was just chatting with Rose in a bedroom when Allen barged in and asked what was going on.
“Just talking,” Groff recalls saying. Then Allen shouted, “F- -king talking, take your clothes off,” according to the masseuse’s sworn statement.
When Groff refused, Allen allegedly said, “What are you in here for then?”
Both sides agree Groff and the accuser left in a cab around midnight.
The Post reports that Groff is expected to testify that Doe informed her of the sexual assault the morning after. Depending on the details of her statement and how cross examination goes, her testimony could decide the case either way.
(Via New York Post)