Mark Cuban Says He Doesn’t ‘Give A Sh*t’ About The Los Angeles Clippers

Mark Cuban has completely buried the hatchet when it comes to the Los Angeles Clippers. Yes, the Mavericks owner, who originally signed DeAndre Jordan, only to have Jordan go back on their verbal agreement and return the Clippers, has completely moved on.

In fact, Cuban has moved on so much that he can’t wait to tell you how much he’s moved on.

Nothing to see here, folks! No bitterness over losing a prized free agent signing or anything. Mark Cuban has so many better things to do with his time than make fun of the Clippers, or even give them a single thought.

But, just in case you do want to know his thoughts on that team, well, he’s nice enough to share them with you. Not that he has many, really. They don’t matter to him, obviously. It’s as clear as day that there’s nothing further from his mind than Jordan and the Clippers.

So, if the Clippers go onto the Western Conference finals, or even the NBA Finals, it won’t matter to Cuban. “Good for them,” he’ll think, if he can even be bothered to spare a thought for them. He probably can’t, though, because he obviously couldn’t care less – even though Dallas is facing off against Los Angeles on Thursday night.