Steven Adams Thinks It’s Hilarious People Are Still Talking About His Nuts

In case you were wondering, Steven Adams is still a delightful person. In an interview with New Zealand’s Sky Sports (not to be confused with the British network of the same name), Adams expounded on a range of topics, all while completely demolishing his interviewer in a game of Pop-a-Shot. Honestly, it’s slightly unfair that Adams can reach into the apparatus and essentially drop the ball down the hoop, but he didn’t invent the game, and either way it provides some wonderful physical comedy as an undercurrent to the interview.

Because it was the running theme of the last time we saw Adams on a basketball court, Adams was asked about the state of his dangly bits after they were besieged by Draymond Green, and he has good news:

My nuts, aw mate, they’re still there… Yeah, it was rough, bro. It’s funny that it’s on a lot of people’s minds, though. For, like, this long, people are still thinking about my nuts? It’s awesome.

He didn’t stop in the gentleman’s area, either. Adams revealed that the reason he grew his hair out last season was the cost of haircuts — yes, this man who made $2.2 million last season decided against haircuts because he didn’t want to pay $60 a month for them.

“So I just stopped getting haircuts and saved me a bunch of money. And now this is the thing, so I was like, ‘Cool.’ ”

Definitely watch the video to find out how he reacts if you accuse him of being Australian, as well as to see him as the proud little brother of Olympic shotput silver medalist Valerie Adams.