Check Out The Upcoming Schedule For Awesome Games Done Quick 2022

Two of the most exciting gaming events of the year are Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) and Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ). These charity events, hosted by the Speed Demos Archive, feature speedrunners from across the world gathering in one location to play through some games really fast for charity. It’s a great event that recently raised $2.9 million for Doctors Without Borders.

While the event is all about raising money for charity, it’s also meant to be a really fun time for the viewers. There’s plenty of people playing games as fast as possible, but it also has races and the occasional case of someone showing how much they can break a game. A personal favorite of mine is back in 2016, when someone put on a magic show by glitching Pokémon beyond recognition.

One thing that is impossible to do with any GDQ is watch the entire thing in one go. It goes on for days non-stop and the average person is going to need to do things like eat and sleep. Lucky for anyone with an eye on the upcoming AGDQ in January, the schedule has been released ahead of time. It’s too big to list in one go, so here are a handful of highlights from the first two days.

  • Sunday January 9 – 4:39 p.m. ET. Deathloop Any%
  • Sunday January 9 – 6:25 p.m. ET. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Tanker Blindfolded
  • Monday January 10 – 4:36 p.m. ET Psychonauts 2 Any%
  • Monday January 10 – 6:36 p.m. ET Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Story Mode All Worlds Race

AGDQ will take place from Jan. 9 until a little past midnight on Jan. 16. See the entire schedule for AGDQ 2022 here.