There Is Now A Video Game Where You Can Play As Jesus Christ

There have been a lot of video games about the many books within the Bible. One of the more notorious ones was the unlicensed Bible Adventures for the NES. It was only playable through a workaround that existed within the cartridge itself and was an example of the lengths some publishers would have to go through to make their game available if it wasn’t approved by one of the video game giants of the time.

It’s 2022 now and with places like Steam and there are numerous ways to play games from indie developers. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that we’re seeing a few more games out there making use of the stories of the Bible. A recent game though had its trailer appear on YouTube and it’s causing quite a stir on the internet. That’s because this game, I Am Jesus Christ, lets the player play the stories of Jesus through the eyes of Jesus.

Dubbed the “Jesus Simulator” it’s a game that lets players play through many of the more well-known moments of the Bible, such as when Jesus turned water into wine, but it’s all handled through the first-person viewpoint. The entirety of gameplay we see in the trailer is through the viewpoint of this game’s interpretation of Jesus. We see a few gameplay moments, such as Jesus recharging the Holy Spirit so he can perform miracles, and while some people may think this sounds like a joke it all feels very earnest and the game is very real.

The game itself is not out yet, its steam page has an intended release date of the second quarter of 2023, but the free-to-play prologue will be available to play this December for anyone who’s curious to see what it’s like.