‘Tekken 8’ Gets A Gameplay Reveal Trailer During PlayStation State Of Play

There are a lot of really great fighting games out there, but few compare to the craziness that is the Tekken franchise. What other game franchise, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, lets its main character fight a bear in hand-to-hand combat?

During a PlayStation State of Play event on Tuesday, a new trailer for Tekken 8 was shown to everyone featuring main characters Kazuya and Jin fighting it out in a destroyed landscape. The cinematic was gorgeous and the gameplay portions of it looked fast and fun. It’s obviously very scripted and in development, but we still loved getting a small taste of what the final product may look like.

If Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are the fighting game versions of mainstream popularity, then Tekken is the alternative to those two that your friend growing up always argued was better. While that is obviously subjective, it’s exciting to see so many great fighting games coming out and Tekken is always going to be a must play of the genre.

Unfortunately, with no release date or anything like that the only thing we can do at this moment is speculate, but there is still plenty here to be excited about for the near future.