Laika Animation, the studio behind the 2009 hit “Coraline,” is teaming with indie rocker Colin Meloy, of The Decemberists, to bring his novel “Wildwood” to the big screen, reports Variety.
The young-adult book was illustrated by Meloy’s wife, Carson Ellis. In “Wildwood,” an ordinary girl named Prue McKeel discovers a strange fantasy land in the wilderness outside of her hometown after her baby brother is abducted by a murder of crows. It takes place in a fantasy version of Portland, Oregon, where both Meloy and Laika are based. The book is the first part of a planned trilogy.
“ParaNorman,” Laika’s follow-up to “Coraline,” is due in theaters next August. the company, ownd by Nike’s Phil Knight, specialize in stop-motion animation. Knight’s son Travis acts as chairman and CEO. “Coraline” was based on a similarly-themed young adult novel by Neil Gaiman.
“Hands down, there is no other movie studio in the entire world besides Laika that I would entrust Wildwood to,” said Meloy in a release. “Carson and I were prepared to stonewall any and all suitors for the movie rights, so close was this book to our hearts. However, when Laika came calling, our defenses promptly came down. There is no doubt in my mind that they will come to this story with the passion, imagination and general awesomeness required to make this book into a truly beautiful animated film.”
The Decemberists recently finished touring with their latest album, “The King is Dead.” The group will take a multi-year hiatus during which while Meloy will concentrate on writing.