2013 Oscars Live Discussion Thread

Even though I have half a mind to boycott the whole thing on account of Matthew McConaughey’s historic snub, we’re still a movie site, so we’ll be around tonight for an Oscars live discussion. Did awards shows even exist before live blogs?? Discuss. Anyway, the show starts at 5:30 PT/8:30 ET, so set your pocket watches and microwave clocks, and check back here for heated discussions and virtual guacamole. Did you know “Ted” is going to be a presenter?? This night is going to be wacky!

If you want to make things interesting, there’s also our Oscars night drinking game, which we of course cannot condone, promote, or sanction in any way. Seriously though, have fun, but don’t fall off the wagon on account of the freakin’ Oscars. And remember, don’t feel too bad for the losers, their children

On the next page you’ll find a cool Oscars infographic from our friends at VirginMedia to get you all lubricated.

How To Unlock:

Make your way from the red carpet to the Academy Awards after parties by participating in tonight’s Academy Awards live discussion and official FilmDrunk Oscars Drinking Game. The more you comment and share on Facebook and Twitter, the faster you’ll unlock our special badges and begin your acceptance speech. First up: Seth MacFarlane’s Smirk.