That’s right, it’s comments of the week time again. Comments of the Week is a sort of greatest hits album compiled from the previous week’s comments section. (The pug picture represents my idea of what I wish the comments section reminded me of, but let’s face it, you guys aren’t that cuddly). Choosing a winner is always tough for me (and we should have shirts to give away for the winner again soon), but I gave a slight edge to Jessolido for the way he rendered Gary Busey in the Gary Busey wants to buttplug some cows so they don’t fart piranhas onto him post. It seemed, I don’t know, accurate:
Jessolido says: When Gary Busey starts a sentence with “Hey girl”, he does so because he believes the person he’s talking to is actually a bale of hay walking our Earth disguised as a woman.
Jessolido says: Upon finishing the interview, Busey asked “What’s the time limit on parking on this street? I left my ostrich down there with enough tacos to last him 2 hours – but that idgit probably ate ‘em all as soon as I left. HORSE HOCKEY!… How much is busfare?
But I could be way off base. Here are your honorable mentions:
[same Busey post]
Ace Rimmer says: I call this one the bovine centipede, butthorn!
Feklhr says: His idea for a video game: It would be a Super Mario-esque sidescroller, and you would be the hero that has a lighter and a buck knife as weapons. Once you fight past all of the Pomeranians and people who park poorly, you can retrieve the briefcase filled with loose change and challenge the final boss: TV ADVERTISING!
I tried to link all of the references there, because it was pretty dense with them. Quite linear for a comment on a Busey post, really.
From Twilight: Breaking Dawn’s vampire c-section scene is causing seizures:
Good Grief says: “We’re calling it ‘Renesmee Syndrome,’” said a Dr. Acula.
Brosephus says: Tyrese is Terrance Howard on Adderall,
From Tony Scott is directing a film called ‘Narco Sub.‘
Larry says: Pretty easy to find this sub: you just yell “Narco!” and wait for them to yell “Polo!”
From Tom Cruise locks people up on his Scientology cruise ship:
Good Grief says: Wait, so you’re telling me there’s an “Under Siege” remake in the works?
From Deliverance’s ‘squeal like a pig’ guy will be raping angels in heaven now:
ChinoMoreno says: The burial was a piece of cake as McKinney practically forced himself into the hole.
From Starship Troopers is getting a reboot:
Good Grief says: Somewhere out there Andy Serkis is covered in ping pong balls and staring intensely at a cockroach.
Once again, a fine job to you all. I also thought this entire thread on Twilight wedding dresses was pretty funny. Again, for next week, do your best to nominate your favorite comments in the comments section below. It will help us keep track of the funny ones. And that’s important, right? Right? …Guys?