Not to sound like an old timer, but back in my day, our porn parodies had clever titles. A Tale of Two Titteez, Shaving Ryan’s Privates, Pretty Woman (Raped) — the first step was always a creative name. Nowadays, anyone with an iPhone and a couple of sluts to rub together can just slap a “XXX” at the end of something, and BOOM! You’re on the highway to porno town. It’s a real shame. I digress, but a three-hour Reservoir Dogs porno (Reservoir Dogs XXX — A Porn Parody) is on the way from Exquisite Films, and should have a trailer any day now. And apparently my prayers have been answered because Evan Stone isn’t in it.
The upscale, mature parody of Quentin Tarantino’s cult classic will be the first release produced directly under the Exquisite Films label.
“As a huge Tarantino fan, I’m excited to have the opportunity to pay tribute with a XXX rendition,” said director General Stone. “It’s important to me to note that while we use the word parody due to the popularity of the term, Reservoir Dogs XXX will be more of an homage or retelling. We cast on acting ability first in order to create a real movie supported by the sex, not dependent on it. Each of the girls is amazing and will deliver a memorable performance.”
Playing Mr. Pink? EVERYONE.
The A-list adult actresses are cast as the bank robbers, including Chanel Preston as Ms. Orange, Andy San Dimas as Ms White, Lizzy Borden as Ms. Blonde, Kimberly Kane as Ms. Pink and Raylene as Nice Girl Eddie. [via AVN, pics via LizzyBorden]
Black suits may leave something to be desired in terms of ladies’ clothes, but give them some credit for authenticity. They even recreated the iconic Tarantino “trunk shot.” I’m guessing it’s not the only trunk shot either, gnome sayin” (*elephant sound*)