Not only has Christopher Nolan proven time and time again that he knows how to make one hell of a movie, he also continues to prove that he knows exactly how to promote them with some of the best trailers I have ever seen. By now, I’m sure you’ve already seen the full-length trailer that all the dorks at comic-con saw way before us (and if you haven’t, here you go.) This TV spot is a shorter version of that trailer, and yet somehow is the most compelling TV spot I’ve seen in a long time. I know I’m gonna get some sh*t for posting something that is basically just a recut of the full-length trailer, but I’ll be damned if Nolan isn’t able to get me just as pumped to see Interstellar in a 60-second trailer vs a 150-second trailer. Like most people who utilize ad-blocking technology, I usually detest the way that television forces me to watch commercials and usually choose to not buy heavily marketed products out of spite (most people do that, right?) However, this is one TV ad that I wouldn’t dare fast-forward through. It’s that compelling to me.
I feel like Nolan is about to unleash his masterpiece on all of us, so I can’t help but soak up every bit of content that Nolan releases. And, yes, I know that if you squint hard enough at those words you’ll see some sexual innuendo, but I don’t care. I want Nolan to release his masterpiece all over my face, and I say that proudly.