The semi-fictional story of the legendary Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, Escobar: Paradise Lost, made its debut at the Telluride Film Festival last weekend to mostly positive reviews, as critics have been praising the strong, menacing performance of Benicio Del Toro as a high point in his career. The writing and directorial debut of Italian actor Andrea Di Stefano is also set to hit the Toronto Film Festival this week, and so it was also the perfect time for the full-length international trailer to drop and give us a much better look at this story of Escobar and the young Canadian surfer who was trying to get in his niece’s pants.
The film has been earning a considerable amount of praise from critics, with many celebrating Di Stefano’s first effort and others patting Josh Hutcherson on the back for turning his always-open mouth into an acting tool. But the majority of the positive reviews are obviously focused on Del Toro and his wide varieties of facial hair, weight fluctuations and creepy, evil glares, as the film spans eight years, and a dude around that much coke is simply going to be on a non-stop emotional roller coaster.