Brian Grazer Regrets ‘Cowboys And Aliens.’ That Makes Two Of Us.

Producer Brian Grazer has been behind the scenes of several successes, both in TV (Empire, 24, Felicity) and in movies (Real Genius, Kindergarten Cop, Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind). That’s not to say they’ve all been winners, and Grazer laughed about one of these box-office underperformers at a talk about his new book, “A Curious Mind,” at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

An audience member asked Grazer about his regrets, and The Atlantic reported his answer:

“I agreed to be part of a movie called Cowboys & Aliens,” he said, referring to the 2011 box-office bomb starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. “I don’t like cowboys, or aliens! But there were a lot of superstars involved with it — Ron Howard; Steven Spielberg; the director of Iron Man, Jon Favreau. I remember having this one meeting, an early meeting, and they’re talking about the title, Cowboys & Aliens. I said, ‘We aren’t really calling it that, are we?’ (The others said) ‘Yeah, of course we are!’ I was going, ‘I don’t get this at all.’ “

He explained that his decision to get involved came down to a rationalization — “That’s good enough.” Then he joked about the downfall inherent in such a rationalization: “Any time the light bulb goes, that’s good enough, it’s sh*tty!”

OK, but this still doesn’t explain his producing the shot-for-shot Psycho remake starring Vince Vaughn. Oh well. I guess we all go a little mad sometimes.

(Via The Atlantic and Vulture)