On Tuesday, Juggalo Vince brought us the news that Sylvester Stallone revealed his new beef with Bruce Willis over Twitter, as the 67-year old star of The Expendables franchise referred to the 58-year old supporting actor and fellow action star as “GREEDY AND LAZY.” Stallone also added that those two things are a “SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE” which would be great if he weren’t saying that about Bruce-f*cking-Willis.
Anyway, as Stallone claims that Harrison Ford will now take Willis’ place in The Expendables 3, the Hollywood Reporter now confirms that Willis bailed on the production after Stallone and Co. refused to give him $4 million for four days work.
A source with knowledge of the situation says the fallout was over a specific money demand. Willis was offered $3 million for four days of consecutive work on location in Bulgaria for the film. “He said he’d drop out unless he got $4 million,” this source close to the production says. “A million dollars a day. Stallone and everybody else involved said no.”
Stallone then quickly reached out to Ford, who was game to join the Expendables cast.
The insider adds, “I think [Willis] was pretty surprised he was replaced in 72 hours by Harrison Ford — a better actor, a much nicer person and a more interesting direction for the film.”
Again, to say that Willis committed “CAREER FAILURE” is absolutely hilarious, because he’ll make five more Die Hard films and at least a dozen G.I. Joe spin-offs for $10 million each and still make it home in time to see his 25-year old girlfriend.
But if this is true, and Willis really was acting like a diva over $1 million, I’m going to be very disappointed as I watch all of those Die Hard sequels.