In this tough economy, finding and keeping a job can be pretty tough for most people, but an independent Chinese organization that is totally not at all affiliated with the government feels your pain and that’s why they’ve created an exciting new opportunity for one enterprising soul. The organization Safety Alliance is hiring a Chief Pornography Identification Officer that will, according to the Daily Dot, work toward “establishing industry standards for internet safety, improving China’s internet usage environment, protecting netizens’ internet rights and interests.”
In other words, China, your porn is about to become a little scarcer thanks to some dude in a swivel chair pulling in $32K a year, as long as he can live up to these intense job requirements…
Job Description:
1. Research and study pornographic videos and images, formulate criteria for determining obscenity.
2. Deploy courseware on the standards of obscenity determination, and study materials such as educational videos on pornography.
3. Manage and rate pornographic resources (including BT seeds, images, and online videos).Job Requirements:
1. Familiarity with the different standards of determination of pornographic content of different countries;
2. Familiarity with the standards of determination and express regulations concerning pornography in China’s law;
3. Familiarity with the standards of pornography identification used by CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) and various major internet providers;
4. A bachelor’s degree or above; age between 20-35; all genders;
5. Possesses good teamwork skills, and a strong sense of responsibility.
So if you’re interested in moving to China and making every man with a laptop despise your very existence, email your resume over to so you can spend your days looking something like this: