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Make your New Year’s Resolution to start listening to the FilmDrunk Frotcast (FRAUGHT-cast)! Seriously though, this one was really fun.
San Francisco comedian Matt Lieb and Bret join Vince and Brendan LIVE IN FROTQUARTERS to debate Wolf of Wall Street, along with’s Laremy Legel, who joins us via Skype. Other topics include the hometown news blotter, in which we read about murders involving people we went to high school with, Matt Lieb’s Lord of the Rings holiday, and Shia Labeouf’s latest idiotic fake apology. We finish things off with an argument I had with Comcast in which I tried to get the robots to feel, with predictable results. It’s easily the best Frotcast of 2014!
The FilmDrunk Frotcast, the World’s Best Sort-of Movie Podcastâ„¢. Tell your friends.
Here’s Matt Lieb and I at a crappy open mic right after we recorded the Frotcast. Note the guy putting on a gorilla suit in the background. Kind of says it all.
Got some messed up family stories from the holidays? Email us at Write us some reviews, and send us links to them!
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