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This week on the Frotcast, the delightful and hilarious Jane Harrison (@MeJaneYouShutUp) joins Matt Lieb (@Lieb123456789), Vince, and Bret (@PossumGraveyard) in the Frotquarters. We open talking about Mystique from X-Men being the perfect woman, and whether she can shape shift her vaginal canal, which leads us to the appeal of Fifty Shades Of Grey and pretty much all things porn – watching it, guilt surrounding it, evolution of desires, the search for novelty, whether the younger generation’s ideas about sex have been skewed by, whether it changes intimacy in a relationship, etc. etc. It wasn’t really the plan, it sort of just happened, much like your birth. We also talk about the Oscars and Neil Patrick Harris, and pitch a TV show about Matt Lieb and the silicone fake butt he used to have sex with when he was doing heroin and living with his mom. Matt Lieb is a sick, sick, man.
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Until next week, Frotfans. Don’t forget to keep it super real.
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