I searched Getty for "obnoxious guy" and it came back with "a dapper man spraying flowers on material."
Listen on the player above, or download as an mp3 here (right-click, save as).
Vince is back from SXSW, and joined by Bret and Jane Harrison (of Viceland’s Flophouse) to talk about how to deal with A-holes in public situations (partially inspired by movie hero Doug Benson), be they texting in movies, Skyping on the airplane, or heckling at comedy shows. Seattle film critic Laremy Legel Skypes in to talk about Deadpool and other movie topics. Enjoy our #content, and #engage with our #brand.
2:10 – Made it a whole two minutes without talking about Jane’s pussy worms from last week. Impressive!
4:00 – Janes makes fun of me for my shirt with a bear on it – we try to define what makes a silly shirt “ironic.”
10:45 – SXSW and GDC: Bret and I discuss the intense impulse to melvin nerds at tech conferences.
13:00 – Taking Skype calls on an airplane, this is the world we live in now.
15:39 – My first-hand account of Doug Benson forcibly removing a movie texter, and what that teaches us about how to deal with assholes and hecklers.
23:15 – North Korea’s super weird video of the college kid (Otto Warmbier) they sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for trying to steal a banner.
32:00 – Jane experiments on chat roulette, which does still exist.
34:19 – Laremy joins via Skype
36:15 – Would Queer Eye For The Straight Guy be allowed today?
37:38 – Laremy experiences San Francisco homeless. What city has the most aggressive homeless?
47:30 – Bret has no interest in Deadpool. Is he wrong?
57:00 – Internet commenters HATE Flophouse on Viceland. Is that show a perfect storm of things internet commenters would hate?
1:06:00 – Unintentional sarcastiquotes in BBC headlines
ENGAGE with our #Brand
–Vince on Twitter
–Bret on Twitter
—Matt Lieb on Twitter
—Jane Harrison on Twitter—Laremy on Twitter
EMAIL us at frotcast@gmail.com, LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL at 415-275-0030.
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CORPORATE BIRTHDAY is now available as an Mp3.
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