“A… mit Ohren” AKA Arsch mit Ohren AKA Ass with Ears are apparently delectable treats in Germany, and I bet Germans don’t even find them funny. “Vy vould eet be funny? Zey ah ze most chewwy pahts uff ze anatomy. Eet’z only sensible.”
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James Franco Might Play a KKK-Like Cult Leader Next |FilmDrunk|
The best rejected Candy Hearts the Internet has to offer this Valentine’s Day |UPROXX|
The ultimate kissing fails compilation |UPROXX Video|
Don’t worry, the trailer for not-sex tape ‘Farrah 2: Backdoor and More’ is here |Warming Glow|
The 50th Anniversary Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition will feature Barbie and people are pissed |With Leather|
Watch an amazing crow solve an 8-step puzzle that would baffle most humans |Gamma Squad|
Richie Incognito goes on Twitter rant, informs the world Jonathan Martin considered suicide |Kissing Suzy Kolber|
Drake calls Macklemore’s Grammy apology “wack as f***” |Smoking Section|
Some genius added farts to Olympic figure skating clips |death&taxes|
Lawmakers ask Obama to soften marijuana restrictions |BuzzFeed|
Stephanie Seymour got “creative” with her sons and it’s making me uncomfortable |Pajiba|
Shia LeBeouf wanted to wear a “penis cam” for ‘Nymphomaniac’ |The Superficial|
Taylor Swift cut some of her hair |IDLYITW|
10 Things You Should Never Do at a Bar, by Your Bartender |BroBible|
12-year-old boy has women completely figured out |Guyism|
Two of the ballsiest guys ever climb Shanghai Tower |The Chive|
Openly gay athletes |Ranker|