Guess Who Said No To A Joni Mitchell Biopic Starring Taylor Swift

You can be in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, sell millions of albums, and remain culturally relevant for decades, but you’re nobody until you’ve had a bland music biopic starring someone who kind of looks like you made about your life. Joni Mitchell had her chance at fame and fortune and craft services in 2012, when Taylor Swift was set to play the Blue singer-songwriter in an adaptation of Sheila Weller’s book Girls Like Us, but she “squelched” the idea.

The project has since stalled and Mitchell has now taken the credit, telling the Sunday Times: “I squelched that! I said to the producer, ‘All you’ve got is a girl with high cheekbones.’ It’s just a lot of gossip, you don’t have the great scenes.”

“There’s a lot of nonsense about me in books,” Mitchell added, “assumptions, assumptions, assumĀ­pĀ­tions.” (Via)

Assumptions, Assumptions, Assumptions is actually the name of Swift’s next album. Anyway, a movie about Mitchell, as well as her contemporaries Carole King and Carly Simon, will eventually make it to theaters, hopefully with Adam Duritz instead of Swift.