With his latest film, White House Down, set to become the most important film made in the last 50 years, director Roland Emmerich is now 100 percent committed to revisiting his original classic, Independence Day, next. Nineteen years after Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum saved the Earth from an alien invasion with a computer virus and a nuke, we know that Bill Pullman will at least return to reprise the role of President Thomas J. Whitmore, as Independence Day 2 has been set for a July 3, 2015 release date.
What we still don’t know is if Smith will welcome the aliens BACK TO EARFF as Captain Steven Hiller again.
“The Will Smith part of it may be ongoing but I think there’s strategies for both,” original co-star Bill Pullman said in an interview with Crave Online earlier this year. “I like what I have to do in both of them. I’m not in an old age home in a wheelchair being wheeled out for one more moment. It’s a very interesting conception of what happens to [my character] between then and when it picks back up.” (Via the HuffPo)
Collider reported yesterday that Will Smith is not expected to return, and that means that 20th Century Fox and Emmerich have balls the size of the entire planet to be going up against The Avengers 2, Assassin’s Creed, Pirates of the Caribbean and Jurassic Park. Oh, and that other movie… what’s it called? Oh yeah, Star Wars: Episode VII.
But seeing as the only holdup, at least as recently as 2011, was Smith’s price tag of $50 million to film Independence Day 2 and 3 back-to-back, I’d be willing to bet that they’ll come to terms soon. Or maybe they’ll just hire Jaden Smith.