James Franco & Ashley Benson dicknose Justin Bieber & Morning Links

Here’s James Franco lip-synching to a Justin Bieber song with Ashley Benson (yowza!) to flash light. For… art? Yeah, it’s probably performance art. Man. It’s a lot easier to not hate Justin Bieber when you haven’t heard his music. That’s what it sounds like? Good God. That’s like Twilight for your ears. [via HuffPo]

Steven Seagal owns a bullet-proof kimono. This is not a joke. |Film Drunk|

2013 Will Usher In Important Anniversaries For 20 Great Albums |UPROXX|

Baby Goose is known to do a portrait of himself for his adoring fans. [via Videogum]

Hardcore Porn Played Behind A Swedish TV News Broadcast For 10 Minutes |Warming Glow|

Brazilian Hookers Are Learning English For The 2014 World Cup Tournament |With Leather|

So We Officially Have Video Of The Giant Squid In Its Natural Habitat |Gamma Squad|

10 Naughty By Nature Songs Everyone Should Know |Smoking Section|

Gruden Talk: Jon Discusses Marijuana Legalization With NORML’s Dr. Dale Gieringer |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

Everyone Wants To Bang Katherine Webb |The Superficial|

29 Poor Excuses For Celebrity Websites |Buzzfeed|

4 Rejected ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Posters |NextMovie|

Whole Lotta Helter Skelter |Clip Nation|

5 Fictional Ways to Go Fast in Space |Mental Floss|

Honest Trailers: ‘Inception’ |Screen Junkies|

Tarantino Infographic Breaks Down the N-Bombs |Film.com|

Why It’s Hard To Write A Sequel |Unreality|

Justin Bieber Blamed the Black Guy |IDLYITW|

5 Beloved TV Backsides Sloppier Than Lena Dunham’s |Pajiba|

This is what the waiting room to hell sounds like |Fark|

Guess Who Paulina Gretzky Is Reportedly Dating? |Brobible|

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