Maybe that’s why Keanu is so sad. Carrying the burden of all the sins of humanity is probably a drag sometimes. |via OhInternet|
The 10 Most Stylish Dictators. |Uproxx|
Can your car run on Four Loko? If you’re drinking Four Loko, do you need a car? |UproxxNews|
10 Notable Midseason Replacements and the Shows That Replaced Them. |WarmingGlow|
Cyberdyne is real and making thought-controlled exoskeletons. |GammaSquad|
Charles Barkley says Tucker Carlson is a douche. In other news, water is wet, etc. |WithLeather|
Male nude housekeeper on trial for murdering one of his clients. Men cleaning? That’s just sick. |NYCBarstoolSports|
A GORILLAMASK ORIGINAL: That Calvin & Hobbes/Fight Club mashup we’ve all been waiting for. |GorillaMask|
7 tips for salvaging your Netflix account. |ScreenJunkies|
Holy Taco runs down the Billboard top 10. |HolyTaco|
24 Celebrities In Bizarre Foreign Commercials [VIDEOS] |CoedMagazine|
Chris Illuminati’s new book: A**holeology The Cheat Sheet: Put the science into practice in everyday situations. |Amazon|
49 out of 50 states currently have snow. Once again, Florida ruins everything. |Buzzfeed|
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