Kickstart Our Juggalo Journey, Part 2

Here’s everyone’s favorite ear rapist, Ben, with an update on our Kickstarter. I would write more about this myself, but frankly, I’m goddamned terrified of this entire endeavor.

Loyal Filmdrunk Readers,

First off, thank you to EVERYONE who has backed our Kickstarter project to go to the Gathering of the Juggalos to make a documentary about what goes down during the August weekend in Cave-in-Rock, Illinois. We are extremely honored by you sharing some of your hard earned coin to make this project a reality.

However, we are still a little short of our goal. I am by no means asking you to contribute any more of your own American currency. If you can share the project with a friend or two, that would be beyond generous. I cannot confirm, but I have been told by certain sources (cough… Jesus… cough… cough) that you would get some pretty great karma coming your way for such selfless actions.

If you are anything like me, you are curious about what happens during the Gathering of the Juggalos. This is not an expedition to make fun of the Juggalo culture, as some have suggested. This is an observational journey, learning just what makes Juggalos the wonderful and interesting group that they are. Vince, Laremy Legel (of and I would be venturing into uncharted territory, very similar the first explorers to the moon or the crew of the Prometheus from the documentary Prometheus. There is a chance we don’t come back, either by turning native or being stuck forever in Juggalo Jail (yes, this is a real thing).

This is not a rinky dink project shot on our camera phones, either. We will be teaming up with the legit production crew at Tall Tale Productions for the video and editing. They have real cameras, sound equipment, and editing studios. The final documentary will be a sight to behold.

Also, Vince desperately wants to meet these girls. [Editor’s Note: Unconfirmed.]

Thank you for your attention to this non C-Tates news.
