‘Monsters, Inc.’ Trailer Re-Cut In The Sytle Of The ‘Prometheus’ Trailer

If I had one complaint about Pixar’s Monsters, Inc.it would probably be that it’s the least scary monster movie I have ever seen. If I see something with the word “monster” in the title, I expect to be frightened. I have the same problem with the song “Monster Mash”; it’s really not the grave yard smash that it claims to be. Fortunately for me, the people over at the YouTube channel The Unusual Suspect felt the exact same way and that’s why they’ve re-cut Monsters, Inc. into a 3-minute trailer in the style of the Prometheus full length trailer. And while these certainly aren’t the most horrifying couple of minutes of Pixar animation I’ve ever seen (that would be this scene from Toy Story 3) it’s definitely almost as scary as the morbid reality present with the first few minutes of Up, where we all learned that no matter how much you love someone they will someday grow old and die before your eyes. Now that is fu*king horrifying.

Anyway, here is the Prometheus full length trailer for comparison.