Everyone knows that last night, French actor Jean Dujardin took home a Best Actor Oscar for his work in The Artist. What most people may not know is that back in 2005, he played a surfer named Brice in the film Brice de Nice, which he also wrote. The full synopsis is below, but the important thing is that he sings and dances a rap number in a bank (QUICK! WHAT RHYMES WITH “DOOG LOSS FAR BONKS???”). Call me old-fashioned, but I think all rap songs should be about surfing.
The obnoxiously unembeddable video is here.
Brice, a motherless super rich 30-year-old teenager fancies himself a trendy surfer. Only he never stepped out of Nice where the sea remains desperately calm and flat. Brice awaits a giant wave like the one he knows happened in 1979. In the meantime, what he lacks in technique he successfully hides and compensates in style. Yellow T-shirt, yellow hair, yellow parties, he created his own little world where he “axes” people. One morning, his father is sent to jail and “Brice from Nice” is left penniless. He first decides to find out about that thing called “work” (one of his friends does it) at a local restaurant, but then decides robbing a bank is way easier. While escaping after a failed attempt, he meets Marius who needs money for foot surgery. His new best buddy has an idea how to get it: all it takes is for Brice to win the $100,000 prize at the “world underground surf cup”. It would “completely” help if Brice had surfed at least once in his life. [IMDB]
I don’t know what “yellow parties” means to the French, but being an ugly American, I’m going to assume it has something to do with urine and cowardice. Man, between this and Christoph Waltz’s Der Humpink, the past few Best Actor Oscar winners have done incredible things for the silly dance gif. Your move, Colin Firth. (Thanks to ES for the tip!)
UPDATE: Thanks to Ali from TheShiznit, we’ve also got video of Dujardin in a video from a French boy band parody. According to them, Dujardin is kind of like a French Sacha Cohen.
This video – helpfully unearthed by @Jellyfish62 – shows Dujardin as part of comedy trio ‘Nous C Nous’, a product of French talent show Graines de star (French to English translation: The *Shrugs* Factor).
This is neither here nor there, but Brice de Nice kind of reminded me of Nachos the Cross-Eyed Cat.
[via TheShiznit]
UPDATE 2: And here’s Dujardin in a commercial for Quick, which is sort of like a French McDonald’s:
Thanks, Vince G.