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Matt Lieb is back in the studio this week with Vince and Brendan, along with guest Steve Bramucci, Uproxx Life editor, for everyone’s favorite Frotcast of the year: the Name of the Year draft! Before that, we discuss some classic movies I saw on the plane (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Silence of the Lambs, Die Hard, Raging Bull), as well as HOGG WATCH — about which conservatives are losing their jobs for being Mad Online about David Hogg this week. We also discuss the second half of Wild, Wild Country on Netflix and finish things off with more Royalty Freestyle. Enjoy, Frot On, and remember to always commit to your sex cult, kids. Donate at Patreon.com/Frotcast.
2:20 – How to name your child
9:00 – Matt attempts to explain the Jewdas Seder controversy
10:45 – Movies on a plane! Does Harrison Ford actually kill more people in Raiders of the Lost Ark than Bruce Willis does in Die Hard?
16:28 – Remembering the famous “story conference” about Raiders Of The Lost Ark, with Matt playing the part of teen-loving George Lucas
25:00 – This week’s HOGG WATCH, an accounting of which conservatives lost their jobs for being Mad Online about David Hogg.
38:20 – Everyone’s favorite segment of the year, the NAME OF THE YEAR DRAFT!
1:01:40 – We all finished Wild, Wild Country; we discuss the ending, and how society is coming around on cults.
1:21:00 – Royalty Freestyle (Drew D, Scott S, Tyrel H)
The Final Teams:
Matt Lieb
1. Darwin Tobacco
2. Rev. Hobbit Forrest
3. Mosthigh Thankgod
4. Dr. Megha Panda
(Chosen by Vince) Dr. Pitt Derryberry
Steve Bramucci
1. Mahogany Loggins
2. Palistine Ace
3. Devoid Couch
4. Blossom Albequerque
(chosen by Matt) Chosen Roach
1. Covadonga Del Busto Naval
2. Habbakkuk Baldonado
3. Rev. Dongo Pewee
4. Gandalf Hernandez
(For Vince): Adele Gorilla
1. Makenlove Petit-Fard
2. Jimbob Ghostkeeper
3. Dr. Narwhals Mating
4. Lola Honeybone
(Chosen by Brendan) Adele Gorilla
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