Dan Stevens Loses It On Live TV When Asked How Many Actors He ‘Beat Off’ For A Role

Dan Stevens is set to star in The Guest, and I know what you’re thinking: Who’s Dan Stevens? He’s cousin Matthew from Downton Abbey, and he should really just go by that, but now that that’s out of the way, Stevens was recently a guest on Good Morning Britain where the host asked him a question that not even a nun could hear uneuphemistically.

“This is a big opportunity for you in Hollywood, you must’ve had to beat off a LOT of American men to get this part.”

My favorite part is the way he actually jumps back in his seat at the 9-second mark as soon as she says “beat off.” The host then adds, unhelpfully, once Stevens has dissolved into a giggling fit, “Why does that make you giggle? Did you not have to beat them off? …With a big stick?”

The male host then offers. “To get the role, I imagine there was quite a few men up for the role as well…”

Yep, there’s no way to save this one. Phrasing!

[Hat tip: DeathNTaxes]