“I’m old enough for all of this.” -Dan From The Internet
On the latest episode of the Pod Yourself The Wire, Matt and Vince welcome a frustratingly young guest, Dan from the internet, to talk about The Wire season one episode seven, “One Arrest.” Dan is a Gen Z content creator and news commentator. He’s a host on Good Morning Bad News on TikTok, as well as his news & culture show Power Report and Audioface where he and his co-host reviews new music almost every week. To keep up with everything Dan does everywhere, follow him on Twitter.
It’s appropriate that Dan introduces the podcast to the concept of ugly bastard hentai, because there is a lot of ugly bastard behavior from the various characters in David Simon’s Baltimore in this episode. Landsman pranks a desperate Santangelo into enlisting a low-rent psychic to help him clear cases, drunk Bunk implores a woman to “rub ‘em together like that,” and even Judge Phelan is vocalizing his desire to “throw a f*ck” into a peer. ACAUB.
Should we pod ourselves a King of the Hill when we’re done with this series? Let us know in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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-Description by Brent Flyberg