This is amazing. More disquieting films should be repackaged into one minute clips featuring puppets. Check that — ALL films should be repackaged into one minute clips featuring puppets. Someone give these people $10 million and let them get started.
NOTE: Like a good creepy weirdo, my first thought when I saw the link to this video was, “What are they going to do about the ass-to-ass scene?” I mean, it’s an important part of the movie, both in the way it drives home the drug-fueled desperation of Jennifer Connelly’s character, and for the mark it’s had on popular culture. But hearing a puppet say that would have been kind of weird, and a little too cheeseball from a shock value perspective. Then I heard one of them say “tail-to-tail,” and I swear to God I started giggling. I’m not joking, someone give these people $10 million.