Robocop to be distributed by Sony, played by a Swede

Sony has come on to distribute MGM’s remake of Robocop, which is being directed by Elite Squad‘s Jose Padilha, and which announced a few days ago that it would star Joel Kinnaman, the Swedish actor best known for his work on The Killing. This despite Padilha’s earlier promises that Robocop would be an American. LIAR! WHORE! LIAR! WHORE! LIAR WHORE AND YOU KNOW IT!

“We need an American RoboCop, man. RoboCop is an American guy, his name is Alex Murphy,” Padilha said.

Oh yeah, so I guess all us pale faces look the same to you, eh, Mr. Racist? You probably think a moøse bit my sister, and I’m going to go celebrate by eating kugel and Big Macs with Yakov Smirnoff, EH, MR. CAN’T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHITE PEOPLE???

I’m sorry for that, I really had nothing for this. Robocop. Sony. Joel Kinnaman. Now you know. Additional trivia: Original Robocop Peter Weller received his Master’s Degree in Roman and Renaissance Art from Syracuse in 2004, and as of 2011, was finishing his PhD at UCLA. He also teaches classics at Syracuse, though I can neither confirm nor deny that instead of raising their hands to answer questions, students shout “I’d buy THAT for a dollar.”