It’s time for another hilarious, informative, and not-nearly-frequent-enough episode of the world’s premier Sopranos podcast, Pod Yourself A Gun. This week Matt Lieb and Vince Mancini are talking season one, episode 11, “Nobody Knows Anything.” Our guest is Joey Devine from the world famous NBA podcast, Roundball Rock.
In episode 11, which premiered March 21st, 1999, Big Pussy has a bad back and might be a snitch, dirty detective Vin Makazian is sick of the way Tony has been treating him, Junior learns new secrets from Livia, and we meet a smattering of new characters — including Debbie, the madame with a heart of gold, Mikey Palmice’s wife, the mysterious and wonderful bordello doctor known only as “Dr. Mop and Glow,” and a reference to “the Jonas Salk of backs.” It’s technically called “Nobody Knows Anything,” but ask yourself: wouldn’t a better title have been “Snatches Get Snitching?”
This episode also marks the first time we hear Pauly Walnuts’ Godfather theme car horn. So many things to discuss! Download it now and tell all of your friends!
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