This week on Pod Yourself A Gun, we discuss episode 12 from season one of the Sopranos, “Isabella,” written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, starring Maria Gracia Cucinotta (Il Postino, The World Is Not Enough) – in which Tony is deep in depression about the disappearance of his friend (and possible snitch) Big Pussy Bonpensiero (not to be confused with Pussy Malanga). As we near the end of the first season of the Sopranos, and the first season of Pod Yourself A Gun, Matt and Vince have decided that all of you listeners out there deserve an episode of this show with NO GUEST and just the pure, unadulterated analysis of your loyal PYAG hosts. Just the raw shit, no filler. And what better episode to do this than “Isabella,” which has zero nudity. That’s right, ZERO.
Bada B-stories:
-Tony is depressed
-Junior puts a hit out on Tony
-Livia is losing her mind (or is she faking it?)
-Tony meets Isabella, who may or may not be Tyler Durden
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