VIDEO: Jimmy Kimmel gets people to lie about fake Oscar movies

I hate the obsolete late night show vaudeville format, and I wish Jimmy Kimmel’s show could just be a collection of bits like this, a genius segment where he sends a man on the street down to ask people about fake movies they just made up, that people then lie about having seen. Amazing what people will do just to avoid having to admit they haven’t seen a movie, isn’t it? I blame every person who’s ever yelled “YOU’VE NEVER SEEN TAXI DRIVER?!?” at someone for this. Myself included, though almost always in reference to The Big Lebowski.

Questions include:

Do you think Eddie Murphy deserved an Oscar nomination for his role in Ninja Nights?

Are you excited that elephant party 7 got five Oscar nominations today?

Do you think Chris Christie received an Oscar nomination for his role in Life of Pie?

Do you think Eddie Murphy deserved an Oscar nomination for his role in Ninja Nights 3: The Reckoning?

Do you think Eddie Murphy deserved an Oscar nomination for his role in Ninja Retreats?

The big question here is, does the Jimmy Kimmel Show only invent fake movies with Eddie Murphy in them, or do people only lie about having seen Eddie Murphy films? Also, you may come away from this believing that human beings are gullible, insecure dunces. I’m not sure if that’s true, but people who visit the Hollywood walk of fame in the middle of day and are thrilled to be man-on-the-street interview subjects are almost certainly gullible, insecure dunces.

Unless they told the people beforehand “just go along with everything I say,” which would just be mean.
