I’ve said this a million times before, but if there’s one type of film I wish we could see more of at the local theater, it’s documentary shorts. Narrative features are crappy 80 percent of the time, while documentary shorts waste half your time and are almost never bad. This one, called “The Meaning of Robots,” premieres this Friday at Sundance, and – and I swear to God this isn’t unearned hyperbole – it looks amazing. AMAZING, I TELL YOU! (*puts cigar out in scotch, rushes off to stop the presses*)
“Meaning of Robots” profiles the benevolent Mike Sullivan, who’s been attempting to shoot a stop-motion robot sex film in his small apartment for the last 10 years. Obsessed with constructing the miniature robot porn stars, his apartment overflows with thousands of robots leaving only tiny paths for him to walk, and no place to film.
[Director Matt] Lenski met Sullivan after hiring him to build a miniature set for a Burger King spot with agency Crispin Porter Bogusky. Pleased with his craftsmanship and looking for collaboration on another art project, the director later met up with the talented model maker at Sullivan’s small studio in New York City. Lenski is often drawn to characters with well-defined idiosyncratic personalities and it was not surprising where the inspiration for Robots came from. [ScreenMag]
My favorite quotes from the trailer.
“And here’s a robot, uh… f*cking machine.”
“And here’s one with dangly balls.”
[holding up a robot horse with an extendable penis] “And he also has a f*ckable butt.”
Holy hell, I want this movie inside me. My reason for posting this was 10% so that you could see it, and 90% in the hopes they’ll send me a screener. A robot horse getting buttf*cked? That’s relevant to ALL MY INTERESTS!
Sidenote: I think “Lenski” actually means director in Polish.
[hat tip: Firstshowing]