This bonus episode of the FilmDrunk Frotcast is available exclusively to our Patreon subscribers. This episode is available for only $1 a month! Join us today!
In this week’s bonus review episode, Vince and Matt discuss Yesterday, a movie directed by an Oscar winner (Danny Boyle) and written by an Oscar nominee (Richard Curtis) in which one Indian-British busker is the only one on Earth who remembers The Beatles. First, Matt details the shocking similarities between this premise and a premise he wrote years back as a movie within a movie that was considered the worst movie idea ever. Then we discuss how a premise this good (it’s true, I love this premise!) could turn out this bad (boy was it bad!). And then there was the agony of leaving the theater only to discover that most of our fellow theater patrons apparently loved it! We felt like the only people on Earth who remembered how terrible Yesterdaywas. Yes, this episode was a long and winding road. vince’s written version of the review lives here.
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