‘Beyond Good And Evil 2’ Trailer Arrives At E3 After Years Of Rumors

Beyond Good and Evil is arguably one of the most beloved video games in recent memory. And, for years, we’ve been hearing about a potential sequel. It’s been “coming soon” forever, but now, it’s finally here — or at least its first trailer is.

If you’re not familiar, the 2003 game follows photojournalist Jade as she and her animal hybrid buddy Pey’j sneak into various secret facilities to learn the truth about a supposed alien threat. The game itself sold poorly, but those who played it loved it, and its influence can be felt in any game where you sneak through a facility looking for evidence. The sequel, which is actually a prequel, greatly expands the canvas, as an open world game set in a colorful society full of humans and hybrids that fills in details gamers have been wondering about since the game’s debut.

Now that this rumored game is real and official, when will we get to play it, and where? The cinematic is amazing, but we haven’t seen any actual gameplay, or any word on what systems it will be on. I nothing else, though, now we can finally start talking about when this sequel will arrive, not if.

(via Ubisoft)